
手机央广网 - 警惕社会心理极化:2021-12-13 · 互联网约车软件公司在互联网体验经济的巨大压力下,不需要交通管理部门的监管,自身就通过各种规章制度将车辆和司机管理得井井有条。在安全方面,与手机绑定的车牌号也给乘客带来更高的 …

Continue reading"Software Testing in DevOps for Engineers"


Experimentation and quick feedback is the key to success of any native Android & iOS apps, while of course software testing is used to ensure a good quality product with new and better features and that is being shipped out at a decent / regular frequency to the users.

Continue reading"Testing & Release strategy for Native Android & iOS Apps"


You have built your 12 Factor Microservices application and all tests pass with 95% coverage. Looking good, right? Then you deploy to production, and kapow! Rollback! What happened? Well, your tests all passed but you never tested the endpoints.

Continue reading"Consumer-Driven Contracts: The Missing Link in Service Testing"


Learn e a set of principles and pragmatic techniques for improving your code reviews and raising the sofware quality bar in your organization. Are you a bit terrified when merging code to master? Do you loathe having to read hundreds of LOC to understand that PR you got tagged in? …

Continue reading"Amazing Code Reviews"


This talk covers an overview of different levels/types of software testing but specifically looking at the value they provide to software developers and others maintaining software. We use this information to challenge some conventional thinking and re-balance how confidence in our software applications is gained without harming their ongoing maintenance.

Continue reading"Introducing the Testing Diamond"


DevOps at this company is a survival mechanism. You need to be lean and innovative or it will simply not exist as a business. DevOps is not only using Chef or deploying to AWS. DevOps means optimizing early for the behaviors you wanted as an operations’ organization working with software …

Continue reading"DevOps from Scratch: Good, Fast & Safe"